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Using Multiple Branches

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For a more advanced branching and Pull-Request workflow, checkout TinaCloud's editorial workflow (only available on Business and Enterprise plans).

If your content editors need to work on multiple branches, you can enable Tina's branch switching plugin. This allows you to create new branches and switch between them from Tina's UI. In the future, we'll build on this foundation and support creating pull requests, merging, and other related workflows. Switch Branches


Simply add the branch-switcher flag to your CMS callback function in your Tina config file. If your site does not already make use of the CMS callback function, add this to your config.

cmsCallback: (cms) => {
cms.flags.set('branch-switcher', true)
return cms

For an example, see this repo.


Here is a quick video demo of Tina's branch plugin

Last Edited: April 12, 2023